MSV Co Ultra 1,25 mm.
1 rulle med 200 mtr.
Strengetykkelse: 1,25 mm.
Konstruktion: Monofilament.
Materiale: Co-Polyester.
Farve: Black.
MSV Co Ultra er en rund monofilament streng produceret af Co-Polyester.
MSV Co Ultra er en lidt blødere og mere komfortabel streng end MSV Co Focus, og har i øvrigt et tilsvarende højt potentiale for spin og evne til at holde spænding, som den berømte MSV Focus Hex.
Strengen er et godt valg til spillere, der ønsker en velafbalanceret Co-Poly streng med over gennemsnittet holdbarhed og vedvarende spilleglæde..
Her resultatet af en test udført af det tyske TennisMagazin:
- TennisMagazin – result of testing MSV Co Ultra and 11 other strings for 3 months by 14 players (issue 10/2018) – with Durability as the key criteria of the test:
- Overall Rating: GOOD
- #3 overall rating
- #1 arm-friendly (comfort)
- #2 feel
- #3 power
- #3 control
- #3 durability
- #2 value for money (Basis: recommended retail price vs rating)
- Conclusion: “The Co Ultra from MSV convinces with its balanced playing characteristics at a high level. It belongs to the best strings of the test. It was perceived as a soft and flexible string, providing long-lasting playing pleasure of up to 10 hours. The Co Ultra got the highest comfort rating. It is a string which shows what top poly strings can achieve. Conclusion: Suitable for players looking for the benefits of modern co-polys in combination with excellent arm-friendliness.”
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